Posts by Stephen J. Schulhofer
Volume 42, Issue 2 (2024)
Reforming the Law of Rape
Appraising the Impact of Toward a Feminist Theory of the State: Consciousness-Raising, Hierarchy Theory, and Substantive Equality Laws
Casting a Wide Net: Why it is Incumbent Upon the Environmental Protection Agency to Expand the Scope of its Cost- Benefit Analysis to Include Native American Populations and Cultural Fishing Practices in the Aftermath of Michigan v. EPA
Betraying Brown: Rule 3535, School Re-Segregation in the Twin Cities, and the Chance to Change Course
Valuing Life: A Human Rights Perspective on the Calculus of Regulation
Why the Religious Right Can’t Have Its (Straight Wedding) Cake and Eat It Too: Breaking the Preservation-Through-Transformation Dynamic in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission
Ethical Considerations of Ovarian and Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation in Pre-Pubertal Children Who Cannot Assent
Is It Just Dessert? Female Recruits Don’t Get Their Fair Share of the Pie: The Marine Corps Fights Gender Integration of Basic Training, Violating Equal Protection Standards and Cultivating a Culture Where Female Recruits Are Left out of the “Brotherhood”
Gutting the Fourth Amendment: Judicial Complicity in Racial Profiling and the Real-Life Implications
A Conversation on Learning from the History of the Civil Rights Movement
Introduction & Abridged Transcript, The Summit for Civil Rights, November 10, 2017
50 Years Later—The State of Civil Rights and Opportunity in America
Abridged Transcript, The Summit for Civil Rights, November 9, 2017
The Summit for Civil Rights: Mission, Structure, and Initial Outcomes
The Persistence of Segregation in the 21st Century
A Look at Inequality, Workers’ Rights, and Race
Does the African American Need Separate Charter Schools?
Segregation Now, Segregation Tomorrow, Segregation Forever?
Litigation Committee Charge
Legislation Committee Charge
Fair Share: Reinvigorating the Twin Cities’ Regional Affordable Housing Calculus
Re-Victimization and the Asylum Process: Jimenez Ferreira v. Lynch: Re-Assessing the Weight Placed on Credible Fear Interviews in Determining Credibility
Masthead for Volume 36, Issue 2 of Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice
Introduction of articles published as a part of the North American Regional Meeting of the International Society of Family Law