
Submit to Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality

Submission Guidelines

Vol. 44, to be published in 2026,  is currently open for submissions.

What types of articles does The Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality publish?

Law & Inequality invites articles addressing issues of inequality in law and society. We accept articles in traditional legal format and also welcome pieces in less traditional formats—e.g., fiction, essays, letters.

Articles are evaluated on the following criteria: nexus to inequality, technical quality, quality of footnotes and citations, persuasiveness, novelty, and timeliness. Special consideration is given to submissions from members of historically underrepresented groups, as well as to submissions that elevate underrepresented groups in source citations. Although not required, a cover letter explaining the author’s inspiration for the article and their idea of the “inequality nexus” is helpful to the article selection process. The Editorial Board of Law & Inequality reserves the right to condition acceptance of articles for publication upon revision of material to conform to our criteria and subjective review for substantive accuracy.

What format are articles published in?

Along with many of our peers, including Cornell Law Review, Duke Law Review, and Michigan Law Review, Law & Inequality has made the decision to move the Journal to an entirely online format. This will not affect our standard practice of ensuring authors receive bound, hard copies of their articles.

Who can submit articles for consideration?

We welcome articles from professors in law and other disciplines and practicing attorneys and judges in all areas of law. We also welcome submissions from authors who fall outside of traditional legal professions but who engage with issues of inequality in the law.

Submission Timing

The Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality begins considering articles for publication for the next academic year in February and continues to review submissions until the volume is full. Some years the volume fills quickly (March or April), while other years the Editorial Board continues to evaluate articles into the summer (July or August).

General Submission Rules

By submitting an article for publication in The Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality the author warrants that the article is original and that the author is the sole author and owner. Law & Inequality cannot accept articles that were previously published. Previous publication, however, does not include making a copy of the article available over the Internet, including, but not limited to, posting the Article to a database accessible over the Internet such as SSRN, so long as such a copy indicates that the article is not in final form (e.g., with use of the phrase “working paper”). Once an article has been accepted for publication in Law & Inequality, the journal requires that all copies of the article made available over the Internet prior to publication indicate that the article is “forthcoming in The Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, Volume 44.”

Formatting Requirements

When submitting an article for consideration, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use double spacing in both the above-the-line and below-the-line (footnote) text
  • Times New Roman font, 12-point font size
  • 1-inch margins
  • All submissions should conform to the 21st edition of Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (Columbia L. Rev. Ass’n et al. eds. 2020).

Law & Inequality accepts documents submitted by Scholastica or email to Submissions are accepted in .doc and .docx formats (i.e. Word documents); submissions in these formats will be given preference over those in PDF format.

Publication Process

By submitting an article for publication in The Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, the author agrees to cooperate in preparing the article for publication and to make all revisions reasonably requested within the timelines established by the Journal. In addition, the author acknowledges and agrees that Law & Inequality has the right to make the revisions necessary, in its discretion, to bring the article into conformity with the standards of scholarly legal publishing. The Journal agrees to send a copy of the edited article to the author for feedback within the timelines established by the Journal.

Copyright Statement

Authors will grant a nonexclusive license in their work to Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality and the University of Minnesota Libraries. Such a license gives Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality and the Libraries the necessary rights to publish, distribute, archive, and preserve the work. However, since the license is non-exclusive, all of the rights will still also belong to the creator, who may make any use they wish, and may grant other licenses as desired. The result of this license agreement is that the author, Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, and the Libraries will each have broad rights to the work.

To see the submission guidelines for our blog publication, which publishes shorter-form articles and other content such as podcasts and videos, please see About Inequality Inquiry.